Enneagram Coach
Before I knew my Enneagram type, I spent so much time beating myself up about the way I was.
I thought my personality was flawed. I look back now and I feel so sorry for the way I treated
and viewed myself. The Enneagram has really opened my eyes to how God designed
me to be and how to grow in that alignment.
I would love to talk to you more about Enneagram Coaching to see if it could be a great
fit for you!
Joseph Ellison, III, Ed.D
As a leader, Melissa helped me better understand myself and the folks on my team. Her continual professional coaching helped me reframe my view of situations and determine how to best support my team through the lens of their Enneagram numbers. Know “who” my team members were was an invaluable reference point for me.
Nate Jebsen, Principal
Enneagram language has become a part of our staff's vocabulary.Personalities are incredibly complex- the Enneagram framework helps me to understand who people are at their core. As a leader this is very useful as it helps me to be intentional about assigning tasks and teams that are complimentary to the personality types that we have.
Angie Botts, Wellness Advocate
Combining forces with Melissa was incredible. Her passion & knowledge for the enneagram combined with the physical & emotional benefits of 100% pure essential oils gave our class a better understanding of themselves, along with a tangible tool to help them meet the needs of their specific Enneagram type. It's a special gift to have a coach walk with you on your journey to self realization and the tools to take home were the cherry on top!