“‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed- or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’”
LUKE 10:41-42
I read this and must admit I was cheering for Martha, maybe because she appeals to my perfectionist tendencies. She opens her home to thirteen hungry men, including JESUS! The scripture says she was DISTRACTED by all of the preparations that had to be done. Thank you to the male that wrote that! Geez Luke. I can just imagine what was going through Martha's mind. They might stay the night and the sheets haven't been washed in ages. Martha probably thought she was doing a service by taking pride in the prep work. How many of us have been there? She wanted to make sure the good, pretty towels that you don't really use were out.
At her wits end, she seeks the Lord's help with her sister. He rebukes her and says that Mary has chosen to do "what is better." Jesus' words are very freeing for those of us that can't stop on the performance treadmill of life. It isn't more he requires of us, in fact, it may be less. What I love too, is Jesus never said, "hey Martha, why can't you be more like your sister?" But when faced with the option, work or worship- which are we choosing? Are we busying ourselves in the prep or in the present? If we don’t get a handle on the Martha side of us, our days could be full but our souls will be empty. This season has felt very overwhelming and I am ready to start determining what gives me purpose, and not just what I am programmed to do. I long for doing fewer things that actually have purpose and meaning, rather than what I am currently managing and sustaining. Mary positioned her heart and her body to the master, and sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to what he says is always better. All the THINGS I need to get done, can wait or they will get done while I look at his face. IT IS PRODUCTIVE TO STARE. IT'S PRODUCTIVE TO JUST LOOK AT HIS FACE. It’s not about doing more, it’s about doing what is most important.
What gives you purpose and meaning, and what steps are you taking to give more time to those things?
What are some ways that you can increase your worship and decrease the activities that keep you busy?